“You have lived in your dreams so long you’ve lost sight of the world.”Erlein from Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay Although I found Ysabel to be an enjoyable page-turner, I heard it was inferior to Guy Gavriel Kay’s other books so I was really looking forward to reading Tigana. I was not at all disappointed, since Tigana turned out to be one of my favorite books I’ve read so far this year. It was beautifully written and emotionally powerful, filled […]

I realized recently that I have only read three books this year that were released this year (The Name of the Wind, Ysabel, and The Twelve Kingdoms: Sea of Shadows). To remedy this situation, I recently ordered the following: Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch (#2 in the Gentleman Bastard sequence)The Children of Hurin by J.R.R. TolkienFlesh and Spirit by Carol Berg (#1 in The Lighthouse Duology) Hopefully later this year I’ll be able to get some more […]

As anybody who keeps up with my blog is sure to know, I think Carol Berg is a wonderful and very under-rated fantasy author. So I was very happy to see them do this interview with her on wotmania’s Other Fantasy board. Plus the interviewer asked posters to contribute questions, and it was exciting for me to see some of the questions I contributed actually get asked in the interview! I really enjoyed reading Carol’s responses. Check it out!