Yikes! I didn’t realize it had been so long since I had posted here until a couple of hours ago. With the holiday and starting a new job, the time has just flown by. I still have reviews on the rest of the books in the Pit Dragon trilogy to write. Unfortunately, it takes me nearly as long to write the review as it does to read a book of that size since I read it over and over and […]

Dragon’s Bloodby Jane Yolen320pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.15/5Goodreads Rating: 3.9/5 Dragon’s Blood, which first came out in the 1980s, is the first book in the Pit Dragon Chronicles trilogy by Jane Yolen. Although it is the first book in a series, there are no cliffhanger endings and the book stands quite well on its own. This is tagged as a young adult book and the main story is very reminiscent of books I read as a child; […]

The Princes of the Golden Cageby Nathalie Mallet320pp (Paperback)My Rating: 5/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.25/5Goodreads Rating: 2.5/5 The Princes of the Golden Cage is Nathalie Mallet’s debut novel and the first book in the Prince Amir series. I was fortunate enough to receive a copy from a book giveaway on Fantasy & Sci-Fi Lovin’ Book Reviews last month, so I recently read it to review here. This mystery story is not one I would recommend, but it is good if […]

Lords of Rainbowby Vera Nazarian424pp (Paperback)My Rating: 9/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.33/5Goodreads Rating: 4/5 Lords of Rainbow by Vera Nazarian is the first book in a duology, although it is a complete story that works perfectly well as a stand alone novel. (I actually thought it was a stand alone book until I looked at the works in progress on Nazarian’s site and saw that she was working on a “standalone sequel” called Lady of Monochrome.) This fantasy story was […]

Making Moneyby Terry Pratchett400pp (Hardcover)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.99/5Goodreads Rating: 4.01/5 Making Money, the thirty-second novel in the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett, is the second book in the series about con-artist Moist von Lipwig. Both stories are self-contained, meaning that you do not have to read any of the previous Discworld books in order to enjoy the newest one, although a few minor parts of the book will probably make more sense to you if you have […]

Congratulations to all the winners! Gene Wolfe won the World Fantasy award in the best novel category for the third book in the Latro series, Soldier of Sidon. A list of the winners is available on the Science Fiction Awards Watch blog.