I’ve been debating whether or not to do one of those summaries of the Best of 2007 lists. Since I’ve not read a large number of books that came out in 2007, it doesn’t seem fair to pick the best of 2007 and my favorite books of 2007 doesn’t seem like it would be all that useful since I’ve read about 7 books published in that year. (Although if anyone is curious, my favorites of the few I did read […]

In Conquest Bornby C.S. Friedman560pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7.5/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.76/5Goodreads Rating: 3.68/5 In Conquest Born, published in 1986, is the first published novel by C.S. Friedman, who is now known primarily as the author of the Coldfire trilogy. This space opera was originally written as a stand-alone novel, but a sequel called The Wilding was released in 2004. The second novel takes place approximately 200 years after the events of In Conquest Born and features completely different characters […]

I have heard a lot about Tanith Lee’s dark fantasy stories and have wanted to read some for quite some time. However, the stories I’ve heard the most about seem to be her older stories that are hard to find, so I was thrilled when I came across an omnibus edition of The Secret Books of Paradys in Borders the other day. Apparently, this came out last month and I never heard a thing about it. It’s now toward the […]

Here is a message from Terry Pratchett posted on Paul Kidby’s site today: Folks, I would have liked to keep this one quiet for a little while, but because of upcoming conventions and of course the need to keep my publishers informed, it seems to me unfair to withhold the news. I have been diagnosed with a very rare form of early onset Alzheimer’s, which lay behind this year’s phantom “stroke”. We are taking it fairly philosophically down here and […]

Brandon Sanderson, author of Elantris and the Mistborn series, has been chosen to finish the last Wheel of Time book, A Memory of Light. Robert Jordan’s wife Harriet made the selection and personally asked Sanderson to work on the book. Of course, being a huge fan of Jordan’s work from the age of 15, Sanderson accepted the offer. I have yet to read anything by Sanderson, although I really, really, really want to read both Elantris and the Mistborn books, […]

The Winter Kingby Bernard Cornwell433pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.02/5Goodreads Rating: 4.2/5 The Winter King, the first book in the Warlord Chronicles trilogy by Bernard Cornwell, is usually referred to as a fantasy book since it is about the legend of King Arthur but leans more toward the category of historical fiction. Merlin, Lancelot, Guinevere, and, of course, Arthur, are still featured characters, but the story is not full of magic and is a realistic retelling of the […]