I closed the poll a day early since I’m done with Neverwhere so it’s time to start reading the next book, which will be William Gibson’s Neuromancer. I’m curious about this one since it’s become a cyberpunk classic, but from what I’ve heard, I get the impression that it’s more of an “important” book than a “good” book. I’ll probably do another poll at some point, but I just got the new Carol Berg book Breath and Bone yesterday so […]

Below are some new releases or books coming out later this month that I have been hearing a lot about or have been looking forward to reading. The book is already out according to Amazon US, Canada, and UK unless it says otherwise. (Bright of the Sky isn’t actually supposed to be out until later this month in the US, but it says it is in stock anyway. The Red Wolf Conspiracy is supposed to be out, but it seems […]

Mistborn: The Final Empireby Brandon Sanderson672pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7.5/10Amazon Rating: 5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.48/5Good Reads Rating: 4.5/5 Mistborn: The Final Empire is the first book in the Mistborn series and the second novel written by Brandon Sanderson, the author selected to complete the final novel in the Wheel of Time series. The second book in the series, The Well of Ascension, is currently out in hardcover and the final book, The Hero of Ages, has a scheduled release date of October […]

I finished Mistborn: The Final Empire this afternoon, so I should have a review of it up in the next couple of days. Because of this, I closed the poll and put up a few one. The winner of the previous one was Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, so that will be up next. If The Healthy Dead were to win, I would also reread and review the first Malazan novella by Steven Erikson, Blood Follows.

Since I’ve been indecisive lately, I put up a poll on what to read and review after Mistborn: The Final Empire. Feel free to leave suggestions not on that list as comments here and if enough people want me to read something else, I may be convinced to do so (as long as it’s something I actually have – I don’t think I should buy any more books right now since I got a bunch around Christmas and made two […]

Unfortunately, I haven’t had much time to read this week so I have not yet finished Mistborn: The Final Empire so I could write a review of it. However, I did come across an interview with the author on Omnivoracious, mostly about completion of the final Wheel of Time book. Sanderson said he is currently rereading the entire series before starting work on the book this month. A Memory of Light is scheduled to be released in 2009.