A Companion to Wolvesby Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette304pp (Hardcover)My Rating: 8/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.24/5Good Reads Rating: 3.51/5 A Companion to Wolves is a stand alone collaboration by Sarah Monette and Elizabeth Bear. Sarah Monette’s “The Doctrine of Labyrinth” series is currently my favorite book discovery of this year, and Elizabeth Bear’s dark mythological tale of faerie, Blood and Iron, was also excellent so I was very much looking forward to this book. Although I did not enjoy it […]

Tor.com has officially launched. I just signed up a little while ago to check it out. It has some free stories, an art gallery, and a forum for discussing science fiction and fantasy. Also, all the e-books and wallpaper Tor gave away through email are available for free in several different formats through July 27. So if you missed a few of the books when they were giving away one a week, you can go back and get the rest. […]

Blood Followsby Steven Erikson125pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 3.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.95/5Good Reads Rating: 3.84/5 Blood Follows is the first of the novellas Steven Erikson has written taking place in the Malazan universe. While the novels in the “Malazan Book of the Fallen” series contain complex plots and a huge cast of characters, Blood Follows focuses on a small set of characters with a much simpler plot. In fact, the main character in this book, Emancipor Reese, and his employers, the […]

I haven’t had a what-to-read next poll in a little while and it’s kind of fun to let you all make my hard decisions for me, so I put up a new one. The choices are: Crystal Rain by Tobias BuckellHis Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi NovikSkyfall by Catherine AsaroInk and Steel by Elizabeth Bear I’ll read the winner once I finish reading Revelation Space and Young Miles (I’m going to start the latter because although Revelation Space is good, it […]

The Radiant Seasby Catherine Asaro512pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8.5/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.93/5Good Reads Rating: 4.07/5 The Radiant Seas is the direct sequel to Primary Inversion, an earlier novel in Catherine Asaro’s Skolian Saga. Although Asaro’s website says all the books in the series are intended to be stand alone with the exception of the Triad duology (originally written as one book until it became too long), I would recommend reading Primary Inversion first. I don’t think I would have enjoyed […]

Along with a few other bloggers. Remember that book meme from a little while ago that circulated around the science fiction and fantasy book sites in the blogosphere like wildfire? The one where you pick up the nearest book and turn to page 123? It has inspired a song! Page 123 is featured on a blog containing songs inspired by science fiction and fantasy. I found it very amusing – and flattering, even if there is apparently nothing to read […]