Doing polls for what to read next are fun every once in a while so I added a new one to the right. Since it’s a little clunky to include more than just the title in it, I’ll add the full list including author and series (if any) below: Young Miles (omnibus – #3 and #4 Miles Vorkosigan) by Lois McMaster BujoldBlood and Iron (#1 Promethean) by Elizabeth BearThe Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula LeGuinCalenture by Storm ConstantinePushing Ice […]

The Player of Gamesby Iain M. Banks416pp (Paperback)My Rating: 9/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.25/5Good Reads Rating: 4.06/5 I have wanted to read one of the Culture novels by Iain M. Banks for quite a while and one that sounded particularly interesting to me was The Player of Games. Unfortunately, that particular title was difficult to find in the U.S. — until it was reprinted here a couple of months ago. I am very glad it was since this is definitely […]

A Kind of Peaceby Andy Boot303pp (Paperback)My Rating: 2/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 1/5Good Reads Rating: 1/5 A Kind of Peace by Andy Boot is the first book in the “Dreams of Inan” series. “Dreams of Inan” is a shared world universe similar to Forgotten Realms in that more than one author writes stories that take place in Inan, a land in which technology and magic are intertwined. It is supposed to be an action-filled, fast-paced fantasy adventure, but unfortunately, it […]

I just finished The Player of Games today, so I’ll be closing down the what to read next poll in a minute. The winner is Stephen Lawhead’s Hood so that will be the next book I read. This weekend I should have a review of the first Dreams of Inan book, A Kind of Peace, up. Sometime after that, I’ll be reviewing The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, which I loved. It was the first book I’ve read […]

It has been announced that Richard K. Morgan’s novel Black Man/Thirteen (UK title/American title) is the winner of the 2008 Arthur C. Clarke Award. This award, originally funded by Clarke himself with the intention of popularizing science fiction in the UK, serves as a means of selecting the best novel in the genre released in Britain during the previous year. More information on the award and past winners can be found on the official home page.

I’m having a problem deciding what to read after I finish my current book so I added another poll for which book to read and review next. Plus seeing what people choose is fun! There are 5 fantasy books to choose from since I’ve been on a science fiction kick lately and I don’t want to annoy you all by reading too many non-fantasy books on a book review blog that claims to be about fantasy. The options are: Before […]