This is the last of the four giveaways featuring some of my favorite books read this year. The final book is one of the two Dock 5 Universe novels by Linnea Sinclair – either Gabriel’s Ghost (review) or Shades of Dark. (I was hoping to have a review of the latter book up by today but with all the holiday running around, I haven’t had the time yet. I’ll link to it once I get it up, hopefully sometime this […]

Nationby Terry Pratchett384pp (Paperback)My Rating: 9/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.21/5Goodreads Rating: 4.32/5 While I was in one of my grad discussion classes a few weeks ago I said that I consider Terry Pratchett to be one of the great philosophers of the last few decades*. I mostly base that on the Discworld series, but his new standalone book Nation provides yet more evidence to support that statement. Like Discworld and many of Pratchett’s other novels, Nation works on multiple levels; […]

The giveaway for The Player of Games is now closed and a winner has been selected via The winner is: Morgan MacLeod Congratulations, Morgan! I hope you enjoy the book!

This month I’m announcing a contest for one of my favorite books read over the last year every weekend of the month for a total of 4 contests. This weekend is giveaway #3, The Book of Joby by Mark J. Ferrari (review). The Book of Joby, a stand alone novel, is a modern-day retelling of the biblical story of Job including elements of the King Arthur legends – yet in spite of the combination of these two very familiar stories, […]

Gabriel’s Ghostby Linnea Sinclair480pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8.5/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.07/5Goodreads Rating: 4.14/5 Gabriel’s Ghost is the first book in science fiction romance writer Linnea Sinclair’s Dock Five series and a winner of the RITA Award for Best Paranormal Romance in 2006. This book has a direct sequel, Shades of Dark, featuring the same main characters as the first book. Hope’s Folly, the third book (out in February 2009), is about Philip Guthrie, a character appearing in the first two […]

The Melusine contest is now closed and the winner has been selected with the help of The winner is: Hunter Lily Troy Congratulations! I hope you enjoy Melusine!