After reading and enjoying Patrick Rothfuss’s debut The Name of the Wind, many were happy to know that the rest of the series had been completed and each book would come out approximately a year apart. However, it was recently announced that the publication date was being pushed back from March 2008 to April 2009, which upset a lot of people. In this blog post, Rothfuss explains the reason for the delay with the second book in the Kingkiller Chronicle. […]

There are some books that just came out this month that sound rather interesting so I thought I’d just make a brief list of some of January’s new releases. (Some of these books may already be out or not yet be out in other countries.) I know a few good ones are coming out in March as well so I’m also going to make a February/March list soon. The following all came out this month or will be coming out […]

The Skewed Throneby Joshua Palmatier384pp (Paperback)My Rating: 5/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.75/5 Thanks to a contest run by Jeff at Fantasy Book News and Reviews, I recently received a copy of Joshua Palmatier’s debut novel, The Skewed Throne. This is the first book in The Throne of Amenkor trilogy, followed by The Cracked Throne and The Vacant Throne respectively. The final book just came out earlier this month, making this one of those mythical and elusive sets of books – […]

Variable Starby Spider Robinson and Robert A. Heinlein320pp (Hardcover)My Rating: 9/10Amazon Rating: 3.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.88/5Goodreads Rating: 3.51/5 Variable Star is, as described in the preface, “a posthumous collaboration, begun when one of its collaborators was seven and completed when the other was seventeen-years-dead.” Happily, it is not the disaster that one might fear would result from such a situation. Most of the reason for that is the sheer level of talent of the two collaborators: the grandmaster Robert A. Heinlein […]

The Blade Itselfby Joe Abercrombie531pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8.5/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.14/5Goodreads Rating: 4.15/5 The Blade Itself, Joe Abercrombie’s debut novel, is the first book in The First Law trilogy. The final book in the trilogy (The Last Argument of Kings) will be released in the UK in March 2008, and the second book in the trilogy (Before They Are Hanged) will be released in the U.S. in March 2008. According to Abercrombie’s blog, The Last Argument of Kings will […]