It’s Saturday again so it is time to announce giveaway #2 of the month! I’ve decided not to go in order of favorites each week even though I did my very favorite books of the year first (mostly because favorite book #2 is one of the four books I haven’t found time to review yet between work and the holiday season). Last week’s giveaway was fantasy so it’s time to give away a science fiction book. This week’s book is […]

Thanks to Mulluane from Dragons, Heroes and Wizards for the reminder! John over at Grasping for the Wind started this meme for helping everyone find new blogs. His original post is as follows: My list of fantasy and sf book reviewers is woefully out of date. I need your help to fix that. But rather than go through the hassle of having you send me recommendations or sticking them in comments, what you can do is take the following list […]

It’s the end of the year again which means I’ve been thinking a lot about my favorite books I’ve read this year. I’m going to do a giveaway of four of my favorite books from this year (new copies, that is, not mine – no way am I parting with these ones!). New giveaways will be announced on each Saturday in December with a deadline of 11:59 PM of the following Saturday for entering. Winners will be announced the day […]

The book trailer for Hope’s Folly, the third book in the Dock Five/Gabriel’s Ghost series by Linnea Sinclair, is on her site. It will be released in February of 2009. I am so excited about this book! The first two books in this science fiction romance series, Gabriel’s Ghost and Shades of Dark, recently made it to my favorite books list and I’ll be reviewing both of them soon. Until then, let’s put it this way… I couldn’t put down […]

All the Windwracked Stars by Elizabeth Bear 368pp (Hardcover) My Rating: 8/10 Amazon Rating: 4.5/5 LibraryThing Rating: 4/5 Goodreads Rating: 4/5 Elizabeth Bear’s latest novel, All the Windwracked Stars, is the first book in The Edda of Burdens trilogy. As a big fan of her Promethean Age series as well as A Companion to Wolves (co-written with Sarah Monette), I was very much looking forward to this book. While I did not enjoy it quite as much as the other […]

The Court of the Airby Stephen Hunt592pp (Hardcover)My Rating: 5/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.51/5Goodreads Rating: 3.16/5 The Court of the Air by Stephen Hunt is the first book set in the Jackelian World. The next book that takes place in this world, The Kingdom Beyond the Waves, is currently available in some countries including the UK. The Rise of the Iron Moon, the third book, will be released in the UK in February 2009. All the books feature different sets […]