Hope’s Folly, the third book in Linnea Sinclair’s Dock Five series, is out today. The copy I pre-ordered is now on its way! This one is about Philip instead of Chaz and Sully. As much as I liked Philip, I’m a little worried he’ll be too normal and uncomplicated to carry a whole book for me (which is why I preferred Gabriel’s Ghost/Shades of Dark over An Accidental Goddess – the characters in the latter were much more normal with […]

Finally done with work and groceries and have gone through and read all the comments from both reviews, so here is where you go to read my guest dare review of Dead Witch Walking over at The Book Smugglers. For Rachel Morgan fans, there is lots about her over there – reviews of all the books, including White Witch, Black Curse which is not out until later this month, and an interview with Kim Harrison. If you haven’t yet, be […]

Recently, Ana and Thea of The Book Smugglers asked me to participate in one of their features, the guest dare. Every month they dare someone to read and review a book they may not read otherwise (which is a fabulous idea and a lot of fun!). So today I’m over at their blog with a review of Dead Witch Walking, the first book in one of Thea’s favorite urban fantasy series, The Hollows by Kim Harrison. In return, I dared […]

Wednesday the 18th is the day Ana and Thea from The Book Smugglers are reviewing Melusine over here, and I’ll be over there with a review of Dead Witch Walking. Their review will be up tomorrow morning. I’ll be gone at work all day tomorrow and after that I desperately need to go grocery shopping, but when I get back I’ll put up the link to the review on their blog. At least I should be back earlier than tonight… […]

Inside Straightby George R. R. Martin432pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7.5/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.18/5Goodreads Rating: 3.6/5 Inside Straight is the first of a trilogy of newer books set in the Wild Cards universe of superheroes. The sequel, Busted Flush, was released in December 2008 and the next book, Suicide Kings, should be released around December 2009. There are also 17 older books in the series, and most of these are written as anthologies containing contributions by several different authors. Inside Straight […]

The first eight chapters of Diamond Star, the next book in Catherine Asaro’s Skolian Saga, are available on the Baen website. Diamond Star will be released in May 2009. Here is the description from Amazon: Del was a rock singer. He was also the renegade son of the Ruby Dynasty, which made his career choice less than respectable, and gave him more to worry about than getting gigs and not getting cheated by recording companies, club owners, or his agent. […]