I just saw that Lane Robins has a new website and there are excerpts from the two fantasy novels set in Antyre. Since I’ve mentioned them a lot lately, I thought I’d share them with anyone who is interested: Maledicte Kings and Assassins Although her urban fantasy written as Lyn Benedict is mentioned on the site, there is not yet an excerpt from Sins & Shadows (it is supposed to be coming soon, though!). I finished it yesterday and it […]

Kings and Assassinsby Lane Robins368pp (Trade Paperback)My Rating: 8/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: Not Yet RatedGoodreads Rating: 4.5/5 Kings and Assassins is the sequel to Maledicte, the debut novel by Lane Robins. Since I very much enjoyed Maledicte, I was very eager to read this novel even though my favorite characters from the first book were absent. While it was somewhat different from its predecessor with less focus on relationships between its characters and more on politics and court intrigue, it […]

Starfinderby John Marco400pp (Hardcover)My Rating: 6/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.85/5Goodreads Rating: 2.86/5 Starfinder is the first book in the Skylords series, a YA fantasy/steampunk trilogy by John Marco. It was just released in hardcover on May 5. After looking through other peoples’ reviews it seems like everyone has already said the same things I was thinking as I read this one. But since I review everything I read I wanted to post my review anyway, though I don’t know how […]

I was hoping to get up a review of Starfinder, John Marco’s YA fantasy adventure that was released today, but after finishing work and then doing the grocery shopping, I was too tired. It is about halfway done so I am hoping to finish it tomorrow night (I usually end up working on reviews while waiting for Lost to come on). In the meantime, there is a very good interview with John Marco over at SciFiGuy – and a giveaway […]

The Last Hawkby Catherine Asaro480pp (Paperback)My Rating: 9.5/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.85/5Goodreads Rating: 3.86/5 The Last Hawk is the third published novel in Catherine Asaro’s Saga of the Skolian Empire series. The books within this romantic science fiction series are written about several different characters and many of the books can stand alone. The Last Hawk is the first book about Kelric, the Imperator’s half brother and heir, whose story is continued in Ascendant Sun. Although this novel takes place […]