Over at Grasping for the Wind, John has compiled a large list of speculative fiction book reviewers. Here is the full list if anyone wants to check some of them out.Click here to view list A 7 Foot Shelves The Accidental Bard A Boy Goes on a Journey A Dribble Of Ink Adventures in Reading A Fantasy Reader The Agony Column A Hoyden’s Look at Literature All Booked Up Alexia’s Books and Such… Andromeda Spaceways The Antick Musings of G.B.H. […]

Goodreads features book giveaways and right now they have one for 3 ARCs of Seanan McGuire’s debut, Rosemary and Rue (just scroll down or search the page for the title). Currently, I’m working on a review of this novel and was going to mention the giveaway in the review, but I just checked the end date of the contest for it and it’s August 21. Since that’s this Friday and I’ve still got some work to do on the review, […]

Harry from Temple Library Reviews has been running a series in which he interviews various SFF book bloggers called Reviewer Time. Today it was my turn so if you’re curious about what I do during the day, my secret talent, how the blog started, or anything else about me read the interview.

The Book Smugglers has been celebrating YA Appreciation Month with a whole bunch of reviews and giveaways of YA books as well as interviews/guest posts with some authors who write YA. They posted an open invitation to other bloggers to post reviews or articles about YA books on August 15 and I decided to participate. It was tough to pick a book to review but I ended up settling on the sequel to a very good book I read earlier […]

Today I read a very interesting interview with Catherine Asaro. She discusses everything from some of her favorite things to her absolute favorite character she writes to the next Skolian book. The next Ruby Dynasty book will be called Carnelians, and although it is a stand alone, Catherine said it also ties in with Diamond Star and The Ruby Dice. There is also a chance to win a copy of Diamond Star (Skolian Empire series – romantic science fiction), the […]

Best Served Coldby Joe Abercrombie512pp (Hardcover)My Rating: 8/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.94/5Goodreads Rating: 4.23/5 Best Served Cold is a stand alone novel by Joe Abercrombie set in the same world as his First Law trilogy with a different set of main characters. It takes place sometime after the end of the series, although I’m not sure exactly how much time has passed other than it must have been at least a couple of years. Although I enjoyed the First Law […]