Today over at SciFiGuy, I saw this awesome giveaway mentioned and wanted to share it. There is currently a month long contest running over at the Patricia Briggs forum to celebrate its second anniversary. To sign up, one just has to register on the Hurog forum and leave a comment on the appropriate thread. There are 4 weeks of contests, and the first one for copies of Dragon Bones and Dragon Blood is already over. This week’s contest is for […]

Right now I’ve only read one book that I haven’t given at least the mini-review treatment – Last Argument of Kings, the conclusion to Joe Abercrombie’s First Law trilogy. Since I read it about a month and a half ago now, I’m not going to review it. I put that one to the back of the review queue when I was busy with wedding planning then getting caught up once that was over, figuring the world didn’t really need yet […]