This past weekend my husband and I were looking for multiplayer Xbox and downloaded Trivial Pursuit. One of the questions prompted us to find this rather hilarious old video of Leonard Nimoy singing “Ballad of Bilbo Baggins” on Youtube. Sadly, I had this song in my head all yesterday afternoon (it was particularly tragic since the only part I remembered was “Biiiiiiilbo” and it kept repeating over and over and over again).

This is a day late since I was out for a while yesterday and never ended up on the computer for very long. Last week I received two surprise review copies. Beneath the Skin by Adrian Phoenix The third book in The Maker’s Song about vampire rock star Dante Baptiste came out at the end of December. Since there are two other books in the series that I don’t have, I most likely will not be reading it. I did […]

Ascendant Sunby Catherine Asaro384pp (Paperback)My Rating: 6/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.81/5Goodreads Rating: 3.9/5 Ascendant Sun is the fifth novel published in Catherine Asaro’s Saga of the Skolian Empire series. Currently, there are thirteen novels total in this science fiction series and chronologically Ascendant Sun comes after five other novels in the saga (it is not really sixth chronologically since there are three other novels following different characters set around the same time as this one). I would not recommend beginning […]

This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a while since I know everyone has a different view of what constitutes a specific number for a rating. Some people may consider a 6 good while others may consider it bad or mediocre. I did write a post like this a long time ago, but considering my husband may have very well been the only person who read this blog at the time, it’s time for a new one. […]

And, no, it doesn’t have to be this one. 😉 Once again, the Preditors and Editors Readers’ Poll for best review site is open. It will be until January 14. I was really surprised to see several of my favorites missing from the list and I wish I could add them all. It seems like a lot of the ones that were on there last year are missing, at least so far. Maybe I just caught it late last year […]

I hope everyone is having a happy 2010 so far! Now that the holidays are over, I’m starting to get back into writing reviews (four left at the moment). Of course, as of tomorrow, my vacation is also over, but I suppose that means I’ll be going through fewer books than I have been over the last week. This week I’ll be going back to the old format since I have a much more manageable number of books for the […]