A Local Habitationby Seanan McGuire400pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8/10Amazon Rating: 5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.5/5Goodreads Rating: 4.17/5 A Local Habitation is the second book in the October Daye series by Seanan McGuire. The first book in this urban fantasy series is Rosemary and Rue, and I would definitely recommend beginning with that novel since it tells a lot about the different characters and the world. Even though A Local Habitation just came out earlier this month, the third book, An Artificial Night, will […]

I had been thinking about picking up the next Kate Daniels book this week but didn’t since I’m not letting myself read it until after reviewing the first one (almost there – just need to write a review of The Thief and revise a draft of A Local Habitation first). Two more review copies showed up this week, though. Changeless by Gail Carriger Changeless is the second book in the Parasol Protectorate series and is coming out in April (although […]

Sea Dragon Heirby Storm Constantine384pp (Trade Paperback)My Rating: 5.5/10Amazon Rating: 3/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.53/5Goodreads Rating: 3.56/5 Sea Dragon Heir is the first book in The Chronicles of Magravandias trilogy by Storm Constantine. The next two books in this epic fantasy trilogy are The Crown of Silence and The Way of Light, respectively. The novel starts with the end of the independent state of Caradore when it is conquered by a king of a Magravandian house. The lord of Caradore is killed […]

The giveaway for Bone Crossed is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered. The winner is: Eva from Finland Congratulations! I hope you enjoy reading it.

As usual, I’m indecisive so help me decide what to read next by voting on the poll to the right. I’ll read whichever book wins when I’m done with The Gaslight Dogs and leave the poll up until I’m finished with it. And I just might run another poll when I need to choose one of the books I bought to read after that because I’m really torn about whether to read the new Carol Berg, the new Robin Hobb, […]

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is a debut novel by N. K. Jemisin, who was recently nominated for the Nebula Award for her short story “Non-Zero Probabilities.” Even though it’s the first book in The Inheritance Trilogy, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is a complete story with a satisfying conclusion. The next two books in the series each focus on a different main character than the first one. According to Jemisin’s website, the second book The Broken Kingdoms will be released in […]