The Poison Throneby Celine Kiernan512pp (Trade Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.09/5Goodreads Rating: 4.08/5 The Poison Throne is the first book in the Moorehawke trilogy by Celine Kiernan. The second book in this fantasy series, The Crowded Shadows, is already out in some countries including the author’s native Ireland. It will be coming out in the US in July 2010 even though The Poison Throne just came out there in April. The final book, The Rebel Prince, will be […]

The Praxisby Walter Jon Williams448pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7.5/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.65/5Goodreads Rating: 3.77/5 The Praxis is the first book in the (completed!) Dread Empire’s Fall trilogy by Walter Jon Williams. The second book in this space opera/military science fiction series is The Sundering, and the final book is Conventions of War. The immortal Shaa have conquered the galaxy with the singular goal of bringing all races together to follow the truth of the Praxis. Despite their best efforts, each […]

One of the reasons I read fewer books in April may have been the fact that I spent a fair amount of my reading time on samples of books. I meant to talk about some of these in my April reading post but did not since I was desperately trying to finish it before our Internet connection died yet again. And since I have added nothing to the leaning pile this week and am still struggling with the review I’m […]

Well, we managed to move our stuff in the 2 days we had (less than 2 actually since we could only move after work on Monday and were moving until 9:30 at night). Now to deal with all the stuff we had to just throw wherever we could find a spot since we didn’t have that much time to move in… And try not to think about the fact that we just have to do it all over again in […]

I need to go start cleaning and packing up for moving tomorrow, but first I decided to write this up for Sunday while getting caffeinated so I have energy to do all that (especially since I won’t be able to put it up Sunday night due to lack of Internet). Next weekend I’m hoping to be able to make more progress on reviews because I’m afraid it’s not going to be possible this weekend. This week brought three review copies. […]