Vera Nazarian’s novel Dreams of the Compass Rose is available in several different formats as a free download for 90 days. (Note: I tried this link earlier and it did work but there seems to be an issue with it at the moment. Hopefully it will clear up soon – there just may be too many people trying to download it at the moment.) I haven’t read this one, but I did really enjoy Lords of Rainbow by Vera Nazarian […]

Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews 272pp (Paperback) My Rating: 8/10 Amazon Rating: 4.5/5 LibraryThing Rating: 4.23/5 Goodreads Rating: 4.27/5 Magic Burns is the second book in the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, who is actually a married couple instead of one writer. The books in this urban fantasy series are in order as follows: Magic Bites, Magic Burns, Magic Strikes and Magic Bleeds, which was just released at the end of May (fortunately, because this series is very […]

This is the really final post on Book Expo America (BEA) and the Book Blogger Convention (BBC). I need to start writing all these reviews of the Kate Daniels books because these are ones I really want to talk about (so much that I will most likely also write a separate series review after the individual book reviews – I finished Magic Bleeds last night and so desperately want more). After writing about what occurred at BEA and BBC, I […]

The day after Book Expo America was of course the first Book Blogger Convention. I usually try to avoid talking about blogging too much here so I don’t bore those of you who aren’t bloggers, but this is one thing I would like to discuss as there may be people who are curious about going next year. It started with registration and breakfast (yes, coffee!!!) and then we all headed into the main room to listen to the keynote speaker, […]

On the reviewing front, I’ve finished a draft of Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews so I’m hoping to get that up next week, perhaps with the other review I’ve begun (Servant of a Dark God by John Brown). There are two more to write after that one, including Magic Strikes. I’m also nearly halfway through Magic Bleeds so I should be reviewing all the books in the Kate Daniels series in the near future. This week I got one book. […]

In my Day One recap, I had said I suspected this post would be short (ha! I should know myself better than that by now) so I was going to write about a few other things. It appears I lied, so this will just be about day two and I’ll discuss more about what I actually thought about it in a different post. The morning of the second day at Book Expo America was another flurry of signings, although it […]