I knew there was something I was forgetting in my links post yesterday! Memory over at Stella Matutina is currently doing a series on women writing fantasy (that is not contemporary as there are plenty of women writing urban fantasy and paranormal romance). I think it’s a great idea since it does seem that often women writing historical or epic fantasy don’t seem to be as well known. Plus she is going to cover (or has already covered) a lot […]

There are a couple of links I’ve been meaning to write about and they keep collecting so I figured I may as well just aggregate them all instead of making separate posts. After the flooding in Nashville, Tennessee, the schools really need children’s books as well as storage bins. There are also wish lists on Barnes and Noble (mostly books for younger children) and Amazon (mainly books for YA/older children) for specific books that they would like replaced. To read […]

The most recent edition of Inside the Blogosphere, a feature over at Grasping for the Wind that asks several bloggers to answer the same question, is up. This time the topic for discussion is which favorite books would make a good Lego series. Which books do you think would make an interesting Lego set (favorites or not)?

This week’s post is pretty long since I got 11 books over this past week – 6 review copies, 3 gifts and 2 I bought myself. It’s times like this I wish I could read a lot faster since there are quite a few of these I’d like to read right now. As far as reviewing goes, I’m just about caught up finally. I have a draft of Naamah’s Kiss written. I haven’t started a review of the last book […]

Feed by Mira Grant 608pp (Paperback) My Rating: 7/10 Amazon Rating: 4.5/5 LibraryThing Rating: 4.29/5 Goodreads Rating: 4.24/5 Feed is the first book in the Newsflesh trilogy about the aftermath of the zombie apocalypse and will be followed by Deadline and Blackout. The series is by Mira Grant, another name for urban fantasy author Seanan McGuire. Normally I do not go near zombie stories, being very squeamish about blood, gore and descriptions of eating brains. However, I made an exception […]

This week I am hoping to get up a review of Feed by Mira Grant, which is about halfway written. After that there is only one book left to review, Naamah’s Kiss by Jacqueline Carey, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I might get caught up over this next week. This week I received one book in the mail that I am very excited about reading. An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire The third book in the October Daye […]