This week brought four books that were complete surprises, and three of them are ones I really, really want to read right now, making me sad that I’m not capable of reading eight books simultaneously (since there are about five other books I want to be reading now). Actually, I already had the ARC of one and just got the finished copy in the mail this time, but I’d prefer to read the finished version anyway. As far as the […]

Naamah’s Curseby Jacqueline Carey576pp (Hardcover)My Rating: 7.5/10Amazon Rating: 3.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.54/5Goodreads Rating: 3.98/5 Naamah’s Curse is the second book in Jacqueline Carey’s latest trilogy following Naamah’s Kiss. Although this new series is set in the same world as the earlier Kushiel’s Legacy books, it takes place a few generations after the end of the second trilogy. The final book, Naamah’s Blessing, does not yet have a publication date, but Jacqueline Carey did mention in her August update on the home […]

This week brought five books – one bought last weekend, one digital review copy, one won off Goodreads, and two I wanted to buy with the first one but ordered online instead because one was not in good condition and the other was more expensive at the bookstore. (Recently, we discovered we can get free Amazon Prime since my husband is a student so I got them in two days! With no shipping cost! This could be hazardous…) As far […]

Today I am pleased to present an interview with Ginn Hale. Her work includes Wicked Gentlemen, the newly released Lord of the White Hell: Book One and the novella Feral Machines. Wicked Gentlemen (review) was one of my favorite books from last year and I enjoyed Lord of the White Hell: Book One (review) even more. For more information about Ginn Hale and her books, visit her website or read her journal. Fantasy Cafe: Currently, you are working on Lord […]

Lord of the White Hell: Book Oneby Ginn Hale362pp (Trade Paperback)My Rating: 9/10Amazon Rating: N/ALibraryThing Rating: 5/5Goodreads Rating: 4.73/5 Lord of the White Hell: Book One by Ginn Hale was just released on August 15. Fortunately, there is not a long wait for the conclusion to this fantasy duology – Lord of the White Hell: Book Two is scheduled for publication only a month later on September 15. The first book does end on a bit of a cliffhanger so […]

Since I’m going on a shopping trip on the day I’m posting this and there’s a book I may get to read soon, this week’s edition may actually be longer than what is below. I’ll have to save it for next week if I do, though, because I don’t expect to have much time to get this post ready on Sunday and am therefore writing it beforehand. So for this week, I have two review copies (one of which I […]