This week one new book showed up in my mailbox – the finished copy of one I already had received as an ARC back in May. Married with Zombies by Jesse PetersenThe first book in the Living with the Dead series just came out September 1. The second book, Flip This Zombie, will be released in January 2011, and book three Zombie Whisperer is scheduled for publication in June 2011. The first chapter of Married with Zombies can be read […]

The winners of the 2010 Hugo Awards have been announced: Best Novel: TIE: The City & The City, China Miéville (Del Rey; Macmillan UK); The Windup Girl, Paolo Bacigalupi (Night Shade) Best Novella: “Palimpsest”, Charles Stross (Wireless; Ace, Orbit) Best Novelette: “The Island”, Peter Watts (The New Space Opera 2; Eos) Best Short Story: “Bridesicle”, Will McIntosh (Asimov’s 1/09) Best Related Book: This is Me, Jack Vance! (Or, More Properly, This is “I”), Jack Vance (Subterranean) Best Graphic Story: Girl […]

The Last Stormlordby Glenda Larke704pp (Paperback)My Rating: 5.5/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.03/5Goodreads Rating: 3.83/5 The Last Stormlord is the first book in the Stormlord trilogy, also known as the Watergivers trilogy, by Glenda Larke. The second book, Stormlord Rising, recently came out in the US. It was already available in Australia, and it will be released in the UK in November. Stormlord’s Exile, the third book, is supposed to be released sometime next year although there is not yet a […]

My husband just found this news that Neil Gaiman’s Sandman may end up as a TV series! According to the article, Warner Bros. TV is in the process of attaining the television rights to the series and Supernatural creator Sam Kripke may be involved. Sandman holds a special place in my heart for a couple of reasons. It was the first graphic novel series I read, and it convinced me that storytelling in that format could be just as good […]

It’s hard to believe it is September already! Here’s hoping more books are finished this month than July since last month’s pile is looking rather sad, although I’ve also read part of two more books before today. Eek, I haven’t reviewed any of these yet either! Books read in July: 31. Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs32. Shadow Magic by Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett33. Killbox by Ann Aguirre Favorite book from July: I liked all three of these but it’s […]