Yesterday I finished a draft of a review of Elfland so hopefully that will be up in the next couple of days. After that, I only have Lady Lazarus left to review – at least until I finish reading The Broken Kingdoms (I’m about halfway through it now). As soon as that is done, I’m starting The Habitation of the Blessed. After that, I think I may dig a science fiction book out of the to read pile since I […]

There are two great book giveaways over at the Tor/Forge blog right now (they are only open to US residents, though). One is a Brandon Sanderson prize pack, which consists of hardcover copies of the Mistborn trilogy, Elantris, Warbreaker and The Way of Kings. The other is 25 assorted fantasy books from them, and there are some really interesting sounding books there (including one of my new favorites, Elfland, which I’m working on a review of now). It also includes […]

The Spirit Thief is the first book in The Legend of Eli Monpress series by Rachel Aaron. It just came out the beginning of this month, and the next two books in the series will both be out by the end of this year. The Spirit Rebellion is available now, and The Spirit Eater will be available in December. A fourth book, The Spirit War, is in progress with plans for release in 2011.

It’s my first leaning pile of books post on the new site! I’ve also finished a draft of a review of The Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron so I’m hoping to have my first book review at the new site up on Tuesday. Today I’m hoping to get most of the way through a review of Elfland by Freda Warrington as well. Before getting to the books, I just wanted to mention a couple of bargains I just noticed at […]

Lately I’ve come across a few articles of interest that I’ve been meaning to mention but haven’t with all the time spent on getting this new site up and running. The first of these are a couple of book clubs for next year that each have a wonderful selection of books: The Women of Fantasy and The Women of Science Fiction. Erika of Jawas Read Too is hosting The Women of Fantasy, which consists of a wonderful list of books: […]