Today is the day of my guest post for Smugglivus, a month long (plus one week) year-end/beginning celebration of books held by Thea and Ana of the terrific site The Book Smugglers. Head on over to see some of my favorite series and author discoveries of the year and some books I can’t wait to read next year!

I hope everyone who celebrated had a good holiday! Due to Christmas this week’s leaning pile of books post is pretty long – I got a few signed books and some books off my wish list. Often I include books my husband gets since there’s potential I’ll read them, especially if he says they are good, but this took me forever to put together so I’m just going to list them at the end. In other news I’m on vacation […]

Since I was forgetful on Sunday and forgot to mention it, I was just wanted to write a quick update to say it’s probably going to be a bit quiet here until sometime after Christmas. Unfortunately, I’ve been sick for about 2 weeks (I think it’s finally coming to an end!) and I’ve been unusually busy due to the holidays so I haven’t had time to write much. And when I have been writing I’ve been working on a certain […]

I’ve been both sick and extremely busy during the last week, but I did see some new releases for next year that looked pretty interesting so I thought I’d quickly mention some of them here. Once again, thanks to the thread “The Books We Are Expecting in 2011” at, I came across a catalog containing 2011 releases. This time the catalog in question is the Random House Summer 2011 Catalog. Check out the catalog for covers and more information, […]

Earlier this year, I attended Book Expo America and the first Book Blogger Convention in New York City. It was a lot of fun getting to meet a lot of people who also love to read and learning about new and forthcoming books. Recently, I was invited to be a panelist on the Practical Challenges of Blogging session at next year’s Book Blogger Convention. It’s now official that I’ll be attending Book Expo America and The Book Blogger Convention and […]

This week’s post will be short, I’m afraid. I’ve been sick all weekend and haven’t really felt up to doing much until just a couple of hours ago. The good news is that means I’ve gotten some reading done – I finished Midsummer Night by Freda Warrington (and loved it) and started The Folding Knife by K. J. Parker (which is awesome so far). This week brought three review copies. My husband also gave me a copy of a book […]