
In response to the horrific recent events in Japan, some members of the speculative fiction community created Genre for Japan.  Starting on March 28, they will be auctioning items related to science fiction, fantasy, and horror and donating the proceeds to the Japan Tsunami Appeal run by the British Red Cross.  It’s a win/win situation since it’s a wonderful cause and there are some pretty great items available, such as a year’s supply of Tor Books and a special, limited edition proof copy of China Mieville’s The City and the City.

It was pretty exciting to see this video interview, in which Neil Gaiman talks about the Good Omens TV series that’s in progress.

Jacqueline Carey announced in her March update that she’s contracted for three books in a new not-quite-urban fantasy series with the possible title Pemkowet Tales. It will be interesting to see what she does with it.  (In addition to Naamah’s Blessing in June, she also has Saints Astray, the Santa Olivia sequel, coming out in November this year.  Hooray!)

Today Gail Carriger announced she has a four book YA series beginning in 2012.  The Finishing School series is set 25 years before her Parasol Protectorate series.