To celebrate the release of Catherynne M. Valente’s The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making as an illustrated hardcover book on May 10, this book is available to download for free through the evening of May 2 (Monday). The book started as a web serial and won the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy. If you have not read a book by this amazing author, it’s a perfect opportunity to sample […]

Dragonsbane is the first novel in the Winterlands series by Barbara Hambly. Originally released in the 1980s, Dragonsbane has been out of print for a while now, but it was recently re-released as an ebook along with several other books by Hambly. The rest of the books in the Winterlands series are as follows: Dragonshadow, Knight of the Demon Queen, and Dragonstar. Gareth is on a quest: to find Lord Aversin, the only man alive who has ever successfully slain […]

Hope everyone had a good weekend! I just got back after spending my weekend away and was quite happy to see that this year’s Hugo nominees have been announced. Also, I’ve read 2 of the 5 books and enjoyed them both (Feed by Mira Grant and The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin). And I was also thrilled to see Lois McMaster Bujold was nominated, although I’m not quite caught up enough in the series to have read Cryoburn […]

Eon by Alison Goodman has been published as both an adult and a young adult novel in different parts of the world. This novel has received several awards and honors: it is the winner of the Aurealis Award, an ALA Best Book for Young Adults, a Locus Recommended Reading Selection, a James Tiptree, Jr., Award Finalist, a CBCA Notable Book, and a Bank Street College Best Book of the Year. It has also been published under several different titles: Eon, […]

This week I’m excited about watching A Game of Thrones on HBO tonight – finally! But first I’m going to talk about some books (yay!) and do some cleaning (boo!). The OCD part of me also wants to decide what to read next since I just finished Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly, which was a great fantasy book. For the books – this week brought 3 ARCs and 2 finished review copies. The Uncertain Places by Lisa Goldstein I’d never heard […]

This is a new feature I’ve been considering doing for a while – talking about a small portion of a book and why it works (or doesn’t perhaps in some cases). For my inaugural post, I’m going to discuss the first chapter of the book I am currently reading and why it works. What it does so well is setting up the book as being not-quite your traditional high fantasy novel and really making the characters involved interesting immediately. This […]