One of my most anticipated books of 2012 has been Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear ever since she mentioned it in an interview I did with her earlier this year. I love her books, and the way she described this novel in the interview made it sound especially fantastic: So I was thrilled to see on her blog today that it now has a cover and blurb in the Winter 2012 Tor Catalog! Here’s what it says about it: […]

This week brought two review copies, one of which I’ve already talked about in my BEA post so I won’t talk about it in detail again (The Magician King by Lev Grossman, which apparently changed significantly between the ARC and finished copy so I’m going to read the final copy instead of my ARC). Also, I raided my local Borders sale and ended up with 4 books I’ve been wanting to read. If I had no self control, I could […]

The Magician King giveaway is now over and has selected a winner. Since I’ve heard back and know where to have the book sent, it’s official that the winner is: Travis from Pennsylvania Congratulations, I hope you enjoy the book!

As quite possibly the most talked about fantasy release of 2011, A Dance With Dragons probably needs no introduction. Just in case you somehow haven’t heard of it for some reason, it’s the fifth book in the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, which has gained a lot of popularity this year with the airing of the first season of Game of Thrones on HBO. The first four books in the series are as […]

Courtesy of Penguin, I am giving away one copy of The Magician King by Lev Grossman, the sequel to The Magicians. I had a great time reading The Magicians and what I’ve read of my ARC of The Magician King is pretty good so far too with the same tendency to have some really humorous lines here and there. About The Magician King: Giveaway Details: One entry per person. To enter you must have a mailing address in the US […]