It’s officially April, which means Women in SF&F Month is here with guest posts beginning tomorrow. There probably won’t be one every single day this month, but it should be close to every day and I’m hoping to fill in some of the gaps with reviews of some fantasy and science fiction books written by women.
In case you missed my previous post about it linked to above, this month is dedicated to highlighting the women who are writing and reading SF&F. Throughout the month I’ll have authors, book bloggers, and other commentators making guest posts. While some of my guests will be discussing the subject itself, it’s not required to participate; the goal is just to get some interesting people, thoughts, and books all in one place. With all the recent discussion about women writing fantasy and science fiction, I think it’s really important to show that there are women writing all kinds of different books in these genres.
Although I have my own thoughts and will jump in at different times this month, I’m going to hold off until the end to say much myself. I expect that the guest posts are going to cover a wide range of territory and have some fascinating and insightful points, and I’d much rather let each one speak for themselves than try to frame the conversation ahead of time (more than I have already, at least). Most of all, I’m really excited about everybody who has chosen to take part this month, and I hope that everyone enjoys it and finds some new books and blogs to read!
Starting out this week, we have:
Elizabeth Bear (The Edda of Burdens Cycle; Jacob’s Ladder Trilogy; Range of Ghosts)
Carol Berg (Rai-kirah; The Lighthouse Duet; Collegia Magica)
Jessica from Read React Review
Kristin from My Bookish Ways
Nancy Kress (Beggars Trilogy; After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall; Steal Across the Sky)