The Leaning Pile of Books is a feature where I talk about books I got over the last week – old or new, bought or received for review. Since I hope you will find new books you’re interested in reading in these posts, I try to be as informative as possible. If I can find them, links to excerpts, author’s websites, and places where you can find more information on the book are included.
This week brought 1 ARC and 3 review copies, 2 of which I’m VERY excited about. I’m already reading one of them now.

Sharps by K. J. Parker
K. J. Parker’s latest book will be released on July 17 (trade paperback, ebook). I just started it this weekend. I haven’t gotten far yet since I’m trying to get caught up on reviews before going to BEA, but it’s very promising so far! Ever since reading The Folding Knife, I’ve wanted to read more by K. J. Parker so I’m really excited about reading this. The Folding Knife was fantastic and I’ve heard great things about Parker’s other books as well.
K.J. Parker’s new novel is a perfectly executed tale of intrigue and deception.
For the first time in nearly forty years, an uneasy truce has been called between two neighbouring kingdoms. The war has been long and brutal, fought over the usual things: resources, land, money…
Now, there is a chance for peace. Diplomatic talks have begun and with them, the games. Two teams of fencers represent their nations at this pivotal moment.
When the future of the world lies balanced on the point of a rapier, one misstep could mean ruin for all. Human nature being what it is, does peace really have a chance?

The Shadowed Sun (The Dreamblood #2) by N. K. Jemisin
The first Dreamblood book, The Killing Moon, was released earlier this month. I’m working on a review of it now that should be up sometime this week, but basically I loved it. It’s my favorite book I’ve read so far this year so I am really excited about reading the second book!
The Shadowed Sun will be released in trade paperback and ebook formats on June 12. Chapter One is available on the author’s website (she says that only chapter one is there right now because the following chapters have spoilers for The Killing Moon so it should be safe to read if you haven’t read that yet).
Gujaareh, the city of dreams, suffers under the imperial rule of the Kisuati Protectorate. A city where the only law was peace now knows violence and oppression. And nightmares: a mysterious and deadly plague haunts the citizens of Gujaareh, dooming the infected to die screaming in their sleep. Trapped between dark dreams and cruel overlords, the people yearn to rise up—but Gujaareh has known peace for too long.
Someone must show them the way.
Hope lies with two outcasts: the first woman ever allowed to join the dream goddess’ priesthood, and an exiled prince who longs to reclaim his birthright. Together, they must resist the Kisuati occupation and uncover the source of the killing dreams… before Gujaareh is lost forever.

Silver by Rhiannon Held
This debut urban fantasy novel about werewolves will be released in trade paperback and ebook on June 5. According to the author’s website, this is the first book in a series although I can’t find the name of it there or on the press release that came with the book. An excerpt from Silver is available on
Andrew Dare is a werewolf. He’s the enforcer for the Roanoke pack, and responsible for capturing or killing any Were intruders in Roanoke’s territory. But the lone Were he’s tracking doesn’t smell or act like anyone he’s ever encountered. And when he catches her, it doesn’t get any better. She’s beautiful, she’s crazy, and someone has tortured her by injecting silver into her veins. She says her name is Silver, and that she’s lost her wild self and can’t shift any more.
The packs in North America have a live-and-let-live attitude, and try not to overlap with each other. But Silver represents a terrible threat to every Were on the continent.
Andrew and Silver will join forces to track down this menace while discovering their own power and their passion for each other.

Lethal Rider (Lords of Deliverance #3) by Larissa Ione
The first two Lords of Deliverance books are Eternal Rider and Immortal Rider. An excerpt from Lethal Rider is available on the author’s website. This book was released in mass market paperback and ebook formats on May 22 in the US and will be released on June 1 in the UK.
I’m not much of a paranormal romance reader so I don’t know much about this series, but readers on Goodreads seemed to like this installment quite a bit.
They’re here. They ride. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Born of a match between good and evil, four siblings stand between hell’s minions and everything they want to destroy. They are the Lords of Deliverance, and they have the power to ward off Doomsday…or let it ride…
Thanatos, the most deadly Horseman of the Apocalypse, has endured thousands of years of celibacy to prevent the end of days. But just one night with the wickedly sexy Aegis Guardian, Regan Cooper, shatters centuries of resolve. Yet their passion comes with a price. And Thanatos must face a truth more terrifying than an apocalypse-he’s about to become a father.
Demon-slayer Regan Cooper never imagined herself the maternal type, but with the fate of the world hanging in the balance she had no choice but to seduce Thanatos and bear his child. Now, as the final battle draws closer and his rage at being betrayed is overshadowed by an undeniable passion for the mother of his child, Thanatos has a life-shattering realization: To save the world, he must sacrifice the only thing he’s ever wanted-a family.