This month has flown by, and tomorrow is the first day in the last week of guest posts. Before announcing the final guests, here is what went on last week (thanks to all of the guests from the previous week!):
- Marjorie M. Liu wrote about what it’s like to be a woman in comics and recommended some comics created by women.
- Leah Petersen discussed writing science fiction and fantasy with depression.
- Genevieve Cogman wrote about women as characters in fantasy and science fiction books.
- Kelley from Oh, the Books! asked if women’s book covers were different from men’s in young adult science fiction.
- Karen Miller shared some of the awesome women writers she’s read—including one with books so absorbing that not even a fire could pull her away from them!
Book List Reminder: If you haven’t already submitted 10 of your favorite speculative fiction books by women this year, there is still time to add up to 10 of your favorites to the list! It currently contains over 1,000 titles recommended during Women in SF&F Month in 2013 and 2014, and Renay and I are collecting more recommendations this month.
Upcoming Guests: April 27 – 30
And now, the final guests of the month will be:

April 27: Karina Sumner-Smith (Radiant, Defiant, “An End to All Things”)
April 28: Aliette de Bodard (The House of Shattered Wings, Obsidian and Blood series)
April 29: Danielle L. Jensen (Stolen Songbird, Hidden Huntress)
April 30: Cecily (Manic Pixie Dream Worlds)