These lists are always hard because I know many books will be left off of it, especially ones coming out later in the year that I don’t know about yet! There are a few books that I’m hoping will come out in 2016 that would definitely be on this list if I knew they were coming out then but are not since I’m not sure they will be. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a 2016 release of Karin […]

Today I’m over at SF Signal as part of a Mind Meld on Our Favorite “New to Us” Authors We Read in 2015. The question being answered is “Who is Your Favorite ‘New to You’ Author You Read in 2015?” but of course I couldn’t resist discussing more than one author and book! If you want to find more books to add to your to-read pile, check out all the answers at SF Signal. Also, sorry it’s been so quiet […]

I’m delighted to be welcoming T. Frohock to the site today! She’s been on my radar as an author to watch ever since I read her debut novel Miserere: An Autumn Tale, and I was excited when I first heard the news that she was publishing a new series, Los Nefilim, earlier this year. In Midnight’s Silence is an intriguing first installment in this series: it is dark without being overly grim, features angels who look but do not act […]