In November, the Fantasy Café Patreon account, which has a reward tier that allows voting on blog content for a post during the next month, was launched. Last month’s book was The Changeling Sea by Patricia A. McKillip, a wonderful stand alone fantasy nominated for the Mythopoeic Award. The February theme was a book not published by a large publisher, and the winner is…
Falling in Love with Hominids by Nalo Hopkinson

An alluring new collection from the author of the New York Times Notable Book, Midnight Robber
Nalo Hopkinson (Brown Girl in the Ring, The Salt Roads, Sister Mine) is an internationally-beloved storyteller. Hailed by the Los Angeles Times as having “an imagination that most of us would kill for,” her Afro-Caribbean, Canadian, and American influences shine in truly unique stories that are filled with striking imagery, unlikely beauty, and delightful strangeness.
In this long-awaited collection, Hopkinson continues to expand the boundaries of culture and imagination. Whether she is retelling The Tempest as a new Caribbean myth, filling a shopping mall with unfulfilled ghosts, or herding chickens that occasionally breathe fire, Hopkinson continues to create bold fiction that transcends boundaries and borders.
I’ve wanted to read more by Nalo Hopkinson since reading Sister Mine so I’m looking forward to reading this collection! It will be read and reviewed later this month, and next month I’ll announce the March winner, a recent SFF debut (“recent” being a book published within the last four years) by a new-to-me author.