Today’s guest is Stephanie Burgis, author of a variety of speculative fiction short stories and the Kat, Incorrigible trilogy. Her first historical fantasy novel for adults, Masks and Shadows, will be published next week (and is one of this year’s book releases I’m most excited about—it sounds fantastic!). It will shortly be followed by her second historical fantasy novel for adults, Congress of Secrets, which also sounds wonderful and is scheduled for release later this year! For Fantasy Café’s “Women in SF&F” month, […]

Today’s guest is science fiction and fantasy author Fonda Lee! Her recently released debut novel Zeroboxer, a young adult science fiction book whose main protagonist is a zero gravity fighter, is a 2015 Andre Norton Award nominee and a Junior Library Guild selection for 2015. It will be joined by her second book (also science fiction!) in 2017. Yes, I Write “Boy Books.” No, I Don’t Have a Male Pen Name. Let me begin by saying that I hold a […]

Just as Women in SF&F Month has become an annual tradition, so has beginning the month of guest posts with one written by Renay! She’s one of several editors of the excellent site Lady Business, which I highly recommend visiting if you’re interested in discussion of speculative fiction in a variety of forms (including books, television, movies, games, and fanwork). Renay also writes articles for Strange Horizons, co-hosts Fangirl Happy Hour, and co-edited Speculative Fiction 2014: The Year’s Best Online Reviews, […]

Women in SF&F Month guest posts begin tomorrow, and I’m very excited about it! Without further ado, here is the schedule for the first full week of the month: April 4: Renay (Lady Business) April 5: Fonda Lee (Zeroboxer) April 6: Stephanie Burgis (Masks and Shadows; Kat, Incorrigible Series) April 7: Charlie Jane Anders (All the Birds in the Sky, “Six Months, Three Days”) April 8: Beth Cato (Breath of Earth, Clockwork Dagger Series) April 9: Book Giveaway

The first book being given away this month is my favorite I’ve read so far this year: The Changeling Sea by Patricia A. McKillip (who wrote a Women in SF&F guest post in 2013). This short stand alone fantasy, a Mythopoeic Award nominee first published in 1988, is wonderful and I can’t recommend it highly enough! Here’s the final paragraph from my review: The Changeling Sea is a rare gem: a book that I loved from beginning to end. It’s deceptively simple on the […]

It’s April again—meaning it’s time for Women in SF&F Month! This is the fifth annual blog series focusing on women in science fiction and fantasy here at Fantasy Cafe, and as always, I’m very excited about it! Guest posts will be starting on April 4 (Monday), but there will also be a couple of posts over the weekend. Tomorrow there will be an international giveaway of my favorite book read this year (so far), and I’ll be announcing next week’s […]