If you’re a longtime visitor of this site, you’re probably aware of just how much I love Patricia A. McKillip’s writing, particularly her novels The Changeling Sea and The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, which are two of my favorite books ever. Given that, I am delighted to have one hardcover copy of the upcoming 50th anniversary edition of The Forgotten Beasts of Eld to give away, courtesy of Tachyon Publications. Available in both hardcover and digital formats on February 29, […]

Happy (very belated) New Year! I had hoped to have this post up much earlier, but I got a bad cold starting on Christmas Eve and it just would not go away. I don’t think I started to feel normal again until about halfway through January. But late as it is, I could not pass up the opportunity to discuss my favorites of 2023 since I read some wonderful books and found something else fantasy-related that I absolutely love (which […]