Author: John
A Dance With Dragons Release Date for A Dance With Dragons!

No, it apparently still isn’t done yet. However, A Dance With Dragons is close enough that it actually has a release date! George R. R. Martin’s website reports that editors and the publisher have set a date of July 12, 2011 for the fifth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series. Conveniently enough this is just a few months after the beginning of the Song of Ice and Fire HBO series, so we’ll at least remember the first […]

Spin by Robert Charles Wilson Guest Review of Spin by Robert Charles Wilson

Spin, the first book in an eponymous trilogy by Robert Charles Wilson, was published in 2005 and won the Hugo award for best novel shortly thereafter.  The second book in the series, Axis, came out in 2007 and the final book, Vortex, is scheduled to be released in May of this year.  My understanding is that this is a very good thing as I’ve read that Axis suffers from a strong case of middle book syndrome and Spin, despite some […]


“Police helicopters peppered the crowd with tanglefoot gel until much of Gamla Stan looked like something a tubercular Godzilla might have coughed up.” Robert Charles Wilson, Spin

There, I Fixed It

No, this post is not some link to yet another site in the vast and ever-growing Cheezburger network that threatens to consume the web like some bastard child of Rick Astley and Walmart (well, I guess it is now). It’s a mea culpa from the guy who didn’t adapt a site design to fit Blogger’s broken CSS/templating system three years ago, causing an annoying bug that was only visible at 800×600 resolution. My argument was: how many people browse the […]


After looking through one of those blogs that is dedicated to bad book covers (and seeing a few that I’ve read as well as the one I am currently reading), my husband pointed out that we had some books with covers that were quite possibly worse than any of those other covers (personally, I think that is debatable although I think they are right up there among the worst). So he took a photo of them, which should be clicked […]