Author: Kristen
Lisa Shearin Women in SF&F Month: Lisa Shearin

Today Lisa Shearin, author of the Raine Benares series, is talking about the importance of perseverance in writing! Earlier, I mentioned that I wanted to invite some authors I hadn’t talked about here before so my regular readers might discover some new authors. Lisa Shearin is one of those authors, although I’ve had my eye on her books since they’ve been recommended by The Book Smugglers, Tia from Debuts & Reviews, Angie from Angieville, and Felicia Day. With recommendations like that, […]

Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler Women in SF&F Month: Week in Review, Week 3 Guests, and Giveaway

It’s been another great week for Women in SF&F Month! Today I’m going to round up links to last week’s posts, link to a couple of related sites, and announce next week’s guests. Also, since I just gave away a fantasy book, I’m going to give away a science fiction book this week! (If you did sign up to win Dragon Sword and Wind Child, check your email since I notified the winner earlier today.) Week In Review There were […]

Banner of the Damned by Sherwood Smith The Leaning Pile of Books

Thanks to a gift card I got for my birthday, I bought some new books that came out this month that were being recommended around the Internet. I want to read them all right now, but between the day job and this month’s event I’ve barely had time to read lately. So I’m not sure when I’ll get to them since I have a few review copies I’ll be reading next, but they’ll be waiting for me when I do […]

Starmetal Oak Reviews Header Women in SF&F Month: Lisa from Starmetal Oak Reviews

Today’s guest is Lisa from Starmetal Oak Reviews! Lisa mostly reads and reviews fantasy and science fiction, but she also covers some historical fiction and young adult books. I enjoy Lisa’s blog for her honest and heartfelt reviews, and I also appreciate the fact that she frequently reviews books that I am not seeing talked about on almost every blog I follow.  She also has some giveaways and author guests, and she often posts about upcoming books that look interesting. […]

Up Against It by M. J. Locke Women in SF&F Month: Jessica from Sci-Fi Fan Letter

Today’s guest is Jessica, who runs the extensive and informative blog Sci-Fi Fan Letter!  Jessica has reviews of a lot of science fiction and fantasy books, as well as quite a few others (mostly horror and graphic novels). In addition, she has an impressive number of interviews with authors, including Joe Abercrombie, Carol Berg, Guy Gavriel Kay, and N.K. Jemisin. Other features include new author spotlights, fantasy artist spotlights, movie reviews, and reading lists. I’m particularly fond of the large […]