Author: Kristen
Five Years of Blogging and Book Giveaway!

It’s hard to believe it, but today is the anniversary of starting this blog five years ago way back when it was still on Blogspot. That seems like a long time ago, especially since the first year of blogging wasn’t very consistent so I feel like I’ve only been seriously blogging for about 4 years. Each year of blogging has been better than the last, though, and I’ve had a fantastic time with it despite feeling like I can never […]

Favorite Books of 2011

It’s that time of year again – time to reflect on favorites of 2011. I always have a terrible time with this because it’s so hard to pick books with all their different strengths and weaknesses, and this year I had a really terrible time because there were 12 books I wanted to stuff into the top 10. That’s with books divided into a top 10 published in 2011 and a top 5 of older books, so I’d say I […]

A Dance With Dragons by George R. R. Martin Excerpt from The Winds of Winter by George R. R. Martin

As a Christmas gift to his fans, George R. R. Martin put up a sample chapter from The Winds of Winter. It will be at the beginning of this book, but it actually takes place before the end of A Dance With Dragons. Enjoy!

Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear Most Anticipated Books of 2012

This is the actual complete list, not just the books that have covers and descriptions already that I’ve posted about so far. I think I might just keep “Books of 2012” going throughout 2012 as more information comes out on the books coming out later in the year and then just keep going with “Books of 2013” and so on. As usual, I’m sure more books will come to my attention throughout the year that will look interesting, too, but […]

Guest Posting for Smugglivus!

Today I am over at one of my favorite blogs, The Book Smugglers, talking about some of my favorite books of 2011, which I was lucky enough to have a HORRIBLE time narrowing down this year. Since I talked about 8 books with 3 honorable mentions narrowed down from 5 I’d been considering, I’m still not sure which other 2 books are going to end up on my top 10 list I’ll put up here! While you’re over there, I […]