The Dread Hammer is the first fantasy book by Trey Sheils, who has written more books as science fiction writer Linda Nagata. Linda Nagata has won the Locus Award for Best Science First Novel for The Bohr Maker and the Nebula Award for Best Novella for Goddesses. When Ketty’s father decides she is to marry an old man who has been married twice already, she runs away and desperately prays to the Dread Hammer for help when these two men […]
This is one of the posts where I just want to talk about a book that looks interesting that I recently came across (I have a long mental list of next year’s books I’m saving for later this year). Night Shade Books linked to the starred Publisher’s Weekly review for The Emperor’s Knife on their Facebook page, and I was intrigued enough to look it up since they used the magic phrase “compelling characterizations.” This debut novel will be available […]
First of all, sorry for the lack of reviews around here lately. Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes. I thought the long weekend last weekend would be a great opportunity to start getting caught up, but then I got sick (and of course, read more books to review since that’s about all I felt up to doing). There should be reviews this week, though, since I have a draft of a review of The Dread Hammer by Trey Shiels […]
Today I have a guest post by C.J. Hill, the author of the new book Slayers. Since her book is about dragon slayers, this post is all about dragons – dragons in different cultures, favorite dragons, and why she featured them in her book. Hope you enjoy it! For a creature that never existed, dragons certainly get a lot of publicity (I would have said air-time, but it seemed a bit much to put a pun in the blog’s first […]
The two winners of Slayers by C. J. Hill have been chosen by They are: Kirsten from Texas Sabrina from Washington Congratulations, and I hope you both enjoy the book!