Before starting this post, I told myself I must finish writing the book review I was working on. So it is written and should be up in the next day or two (I will reread and revise some before putting it up, as usual, but that part won’t take long). After this, I’m going to start on the next review to try to get closer to caught up, especially since I’m getting close to the end of Mirror Dance and […]
For a while, I was doing posts at the beginning of the month about what I was planning to read. Since planning doesn’t always work that well for me, I decided to join in the ranks of those who post what they did read during the previous month at the beginning of a new month. January was a pretty dismal reading month. It started off really well with 3 books read in the first couple of days while I was […]
Eek, it’s been a whole week and the last one of these was the last post I wrote. I was hoping to get at least one of those reviews written in the last week but hopefully I’ll get one written up before this weekend is over instead (most likely The Book of Jhereg, although I also need to write reviews of Twilight of Avalon and The Illustrated Guide to Mythical Creatures). Meanwhile, I’ve been reading the massive omnibus Miles Errant […]
I thought I was going to have a week without one of these posts but then yesterday I found one ARC in my mailbox. Feed by Mira Grant This is the first book in the Newsflesh series (also known to me as the “RSS Zombie” book, as my husband started calling it). According to Orbit’s website, it will be released in May, but I noticed Amazon says it will be available on April 27. In spite of the fact that […]
I don’t often make link posts, but there were a couple of links I saw this week that I wanted to mention so here they are. First off, some very sad news. Kage Baker, author of The Company series, is very ill and would love to hear from her fans (email and snail mail addresses are provided for anyone who would like to send her a message of support). Thanks to Adventures in Reading, I found this interview with Steven […]