Author: Kristen
Book Recommendations

I’m looking for fast-paced books that suck you in, keep you absorbed, and aren’t difficult to get back into if you happen to get interrupted – basically, the type of book you would want to read on a long drive or flight (more specifically, the type I would want to read on an 8 hour flight to or from Las Vegas). Any suggestions?

Poll Closed

The poll for the book to read next is now closed since I finished Last Argument of Kings today. It ended up as a tie between Tim Powers and Catherynne Valente. Based on the comments on both books I have by those authors, I decided to go with the book by Valente this time. I’ve been curious about The Orphan’s Tales: In the Night Garden for a while now.

Review of The Mote in God’s Eye

The Mote in God’s Eyeby Larry Nivenand Jerry Pournelle592pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.01/5Goodreads Rating: 3.97/5 The Mote in God’s Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle was published in 1974. This novel set in the CoDominium universe contains some hard science fiction and is a story about first contact between humans and an alien race. There is a sequel entitled The Gripping Hand (or The Moat Around Murcheson’s Eye in most countries) that was released about 20 […]

New Borders Sci-Fi Blog

I’ve been following Babel Clash, the new Borders blog for science fiction and fantasy, for a few days now and thought some of you may be interested. Last week’s guest was Kim Harrison, the author of the new book Once Dead, Twice Shy and The Hollows urban fantasy series (that reminds me I still need to read book 2 since I just got a hold of it recently). Kim discussed horror and phobias since her books are often shelved in […]

The Wolverine Files Winners

The giveaway for The Wolverine Files has ended and the five winners have been selected using The winners are: Pamela M., TexasJake L., New YorkShaun D., CaliforniaSummer P., CanadaDavid L., New Jersey Congratulations! I hope you enjoy the books. Although I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, I have looked through it and it is a very nice-looking book.