Author: Kristen
Hyperion Cantos Review

I was quite busy for a while and unfortunately hadn’t had time to write. Or the time to read much, for that matter. I seem to be getting more time to read in now, though. Currently, I’m reading Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett. It was time for a lighter read since I just finished the four books in Dan Simmons’ Hyperion Cantos (Hyperion, The Fall of Hyperion, Endymion, and The Rise of Endymion). Overall, I liked the series, although […]

News of the Decade: Song of Ice and Fire TV Series

Here it is! The big news George R.R. has been talking about on his website! Awesomeness I am so, so excited! I really hope it comes out well. I’m a little skeptical that they can even fit everything in one book in the series into one season since so much happens and so much of it is important to developing the wonderful characters that Martin has created, but I can’t wait! I hope to be able to afford HBO by […]

On the Move

My fiance and I are moving this week so we’ve been packing up all our books and no matter how many we pack, there’s always more. And I even have a bunch that never got unpacked from before. It’s amazing how many we have, and how many of those I haven’t yet had time to read (many of which are on my To Read list for 2007). Here are a few of the books I came across that I’d recommend […]


This is the first time I’ve kept a blog and I don’t know if anybody will ever read this, but that’s ok, I’d just like to babble on about good books and maybe talk to other people who share my interest in fantasy. I’ve always liked reading, but in the past 3 or 4 years, I’ve really gotten into fantasy books. The use of imagination and world-building is very intriguing, especially when combined with some great characterization. Great characters are […]