Today I am very excited to reveal the cover for The Assassin’s Curse, a new young adult fantasy book coming in October! Plus I am giving away one ARC to a lucky person who will get to read the book long before its release date! Isn’t that gorgeous?! It’s one of those covers that makes me really want to read the book within. It sounds wonderful as well, and I’m very much looking forward to this book! About The Assassin’s […]

Today’s guest is fantasy and science fiction author Kate Elliott! She is sharing her own experience with gender roles as a child and how it influenced her writing (which is fantastic, by the way!). I discovered Kate Elliott’s Spiritwalker books last year and am now a big fan of them. Cold Fire ended up being not only one of my favorite books I read last year but also that special kind of book every reader loves to find – a […]

Today is about Blackout by Mira Grant! It’s the conclusion to Newsflesh, a science fiction/horror trilogy about blogging and the zombie apocalypse. Even though I’m not normally a zombie fan, I really enjoyed the first book, Feed. It was dark with a great sense of humor and it had one of the most memorable endings I’ve ever read. To learn more about Mira Grant and her series, you can visit her website. If you’ve been following this blog for any […]

It’s been a fantastic first week for Women in SF&F Month! Today I just want to round up some related links (including a new one on books reviewed/received by gender) and give away a book. Week In Review This week brought some wonderful posts from various guests. Here’s what happened this week in case you missed any posts: Jessica from Read React Review started off the week by talking about women in fiction with particular focus on the question of […]

[Note: if you were here earlier and thought this post was longer, you’re not insane; see this post for an explanation.] Today I am pleased to be a part of the blog tour for Maria V. Snyder’s newest book and the first book in the Healer series, Touch of Power. As part of the tour, you’ll have a chance to win a copy of Touch of Power here and there’s a contest for a $100 spa certificate on Maria V. […]

It always makes me a little sad to leave out readers from some countries in giveaways, but unfortunately I’ve found shipping for just one book to other countries can get really expensive so I’m a little afraid of the rates for a box full of books. But I don’t want to leave out those of you outside my country completely so here is a giveaway that is open to everyone. It’s not quite as exciting but you do get to […]