Today’s guest is SFF writer and podcast producer Mur Lafferty! She was recently nominated for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, making this her second nomination for this particular award. Today she is talking about four women who wrote science fiction and fantasy and played a role in inspiring her to become a writer herself—and there’s also an opportunity to enter a giveaway for her next book, The Shambling Guide to New York City, at the end […]

Today for Women in SF&F month I have science fiction – and newly minted fantasy – author Julie Czerneda! I haven’t read any of her work myself (yet, you might have heard about my leaning pile of books…), but many of the people I trust for reviews have recommended her books quite highly. So highly, in fact, that there is going to be another post later in the month that lists Mac from her Species Imperative series as among the […]

This last week was a wonderful start to Women in SF&F 2013, thanks to all the contributors and their great guest posts! In case you missed any of the articles, they’re included in this post. I am also announcing the guests for the upcoming week and giving away seven speculative fiction books written by women. First, I’d like to bring your attention to another series that is going on this month that you may be interested in if you’ve been […]

Today I have one copy of Myth-Quoted by Jody Lynn Nye, the latest book in the Myth series begun many years ago by Robert Asprin and handed off to Nye several books ago, to give away (and an interview with Jody Lynn Nye is forthcoming). I haven’t read the Myth series yet, but this humorous fantasy series is among my husband’s favorites. He’s read all the books except this one, several of them often enough that he’s had to buy […]

Today I am giving away one copy of The Rise of Ransom City by Felix Gilman, the sequel to The Half-Made World. I haven’t read either of these books yet, but I’ve heard they are excellent! About The Rise of Ransom City: This is the story of Harry Ransom. If you know his name it’s most likely as the inventor of the Ransom Process, a stroke of genius that changed the world. Or you may have read about how he […]

Today I’m pleased to welcome Sandy Williams, author of the Shadow Reader series! The Shattered Dark, the second book in the series following The Shadow Reader (my review), was just released at the end of October. Sandy is discussing making the map for her new book, which I found really interesting since I haven’t seen a lot of maps in urban fantasy books and certainly not ones as detailed as hers. I hope you enjoy it, too – and at […]