Categories: Uncategorized
The Dispossessed The Leaning Pile of Books

This week brought two books – one I bought for the Women of Science Fiction Book Club (and will be reading very soon since it’s for this month) and a finished copy of a book I already read as an ARC.  Since I already posted about the ARC when I got it and will be posting the review very soon (probably tomorrow), I won’t include the description here. The finished copy I received is The Sea Thy Mistress, the third […]

January Reading

It was so close to being four books, but I technically finished the fourth on February 1 so it doesn’t count.  I would have been pleased with that number since it took me a long time to read the first book.  Books read in January are: 1. A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge (review) 2. Late Eclipses (Toby Daye #4) by Seanan McGuire (review forthcoming closer to March) 3. Dust (Jacob’s Ladder #1) by Elizabeth Bear (review in […]

A Discovery of Witches Winner

The giveaway for A Discovery of Witches has ended and a winner has been selected via  I’ve already received an address so it’s official.  The winner is: Sarah from Washington Congratulations, I hope you like the book! There will be another book giveaway very soon – maybe even later tonight if I can get the post set up!

The Leaning Pile of Books

This week I just got one book I bought myself (which was a serious exercise in self restraint since I actually went to the bookstore and looked around and saw many that I wanted to take home with me).  I went to look for the February Women of Science Fiction Book Club selection, but they didn’t have it so I picked up another book in a series I’ve been wanting to continue that they did have.  They did have the […]

The Last Page by Anthony Huso

This is not exactly a review (thus the lack of the word “review” in the title).  Since I didn’t actually finish the book, I can write about my impressions, but I can’t really write a review of the entire novel.  I tried to decide for a while whether or not to write about it even though I didn’t complete it and decided to go ahead.  When I see other people talk about books they didn’t finish, I find it useful […]

Bookish News and Links has an excerpt from The Sea Thy Mistress, the conclusion to Elizabeth Bear’s Edda of Burdens trilogy.  I’m reading this right now and I am enjoying it immensely so far.  The books in this trilogy are so beautifully written and I love all the Norse mythology. Sadly, Sarah Monette’s cat recently passed away.  On February 2, she is holding a memorial fundraiser and the proceeds are going to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital’s Animal Companion Fund.  […]