This week’s post will be short, I’m afraid. I’ve been sick all weekend and haven’t really felt up to doing much until just a couple of hours ago. The good news is that means I’ve gotten some reading done – I finished Midsummer Night by Freda Warrington (and loved it) and started The Folding Knife by K. J. Parker (which is awesome so far). This week brought three review copies. My husband also gave me a copy of a book […]

It seems like interesting book-related news keeps coming in droves… I was thrilled to see two authors whose books I really enjoy mention they had some new book deals, plus I’ve seen some giveaways that look pretty good recently too. N. K. Jemisin, author of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and The Broken Kingdoms, has sold her Dreamblood duology to Orbit (who is also publishing the books in her Inheritance trilogy). I’m very intrigued – partially because I loved the two […]

For the second week in a row, there are no new books for the Sunday post so I’m hoping to get a review up instead. In the meantime, here are some various bits of news or other interesting links I’ve seen lately. Every year from December to early January, The Book Smugglers hold their annual Smugglivus celebration. This includes guest posts from bloggers and authors in addition to their own end of the year discussions on favorite books. It started […]

November has officially come to a close with only 3 books completed during the month. I was going to hold off on this post since I was hoping to have a review up tonight, but I keep arguing with myself about it and it’s not going to be done tonight. Oh well! Books read in November are: 44. Resenting the Hero by Moira J. Moore (review) 45. The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne Valente (review forthcoming) 46. The King […]

I hope everyone who celebrated it had a great Thanksgiving and the rest of you had a great week! With the holiday I was hoping to get all kinds of blogging done but I have to admit I was lazy and did some reading but not a lot of reviewing. I did finish The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne Valente and The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner so I’m hoping there will be reviews of those two […]

It’s probably going to be a bit quiet here until the holiday is over, but in the meantime here’s some links of interest. Seeing a release date for The Tempering of Men caused me to see if I could find a date for Sarah Monette’s next book. Her next novel is titled The Goblin Emperor and will be written under the name Katherine Addison. According to a recent post on her blog, it is tentatively scheduled for Spring 2012. I […]