Categories: Uncategorized
The Leaning Pile of Books

Today I bought two books due to the fact that I had $10 in Borders bucks that were going to disappear if I didn’t use them over the next couple of days.  We can’t have that happening!  I was hoping to get the next Lee and Taro book by Moira J. Moore, but the bookstore didn’t have it so I ended up with these two instead: The Decoy Princess by Dawn Cook Dawn Cook is also Kim Harrison, the author […]

The Tempering of Men by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette

Recently I came across a link to the Tor Spring/Summer catalog on and was very excited to see the sequel to A Companion to Wolves by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette was included.  The Tempering of Men will be released in hardcover in August 2011 and I cannot wait since I really liked the first book – and Bear and Monette are two of my favorite authors. Since my husband is a huge fan of Vernor Vinge, I also […]

October Reading

As it’s halfway through November already (eek!), it’s a little late but here’s the October reading list (since my review of Resenting the Hero is so close to done but my brain is starting to feel too mushy to get it quite right).  It’s a short list, but that’s largely because I was working on getting this new site up and trying to get caught up on some reviews. Books read in October: 41. The Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron […]

The Leaning Pile of Books

November is turning out to be a crazy month, but I’m hoping to get a review of Resenting the Hero by Moira J. Moore started today and up sometime this week.  I just needed to read something fun last weekend and ended up picking that based on what I had heard – and it was just what I was in the mood for. This week brought three review copies and one ARC, plus my husband bought an e-book a couple […]

The Leaning Pile of Books

This week’s post is a little late…  I ended up taking a break this weekend since I spent the part of my Sunday I normally spend on blogging moving things to the storage room, doing laundry, and working.  And earlier in the day I was trying to finish this very fun book I started on Saturday, Resenting the Hero by Moira J. Moore.  Even though I got a book in the mail today, I’m still going to limit this to […]

Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews Book Lust: Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews

Update on June 15: Since this is old news now and everyone seems to be getting here when searching for reviews of this book, here’s the Magic Slays review posted yesterday!  In case that is what you were actually looking for…  Now back to the original post if you were in fact interested in that. Today Ilona Andrews posted the cover for the fifth book in the Kate Daniels series, Magic Slays.  This makes me happy – after reading Magic […]