Categories: Uncategorized
Poll Closed

The poll for the book to read next is now closed since I finished Last Argument of Kings today. It ended up as a tie between Tim Powers and Catherynne Valente. Based on the comments on both books I have by those authors, I decided to go with the book by Valente this time. I’ve been curious about The Orphan’s Tales: In the Night Garden for a while now.

The Little CJ Blog Award

Orannia has presented me with the Little CJ Blog Award. Thanks, Orannia! I am honored (and frightened by Little CJ’s threat but more pleased than scared). Little CJ has ordained that I must pass this award on to only two blogs, thus proving she is truly diabolical in nature. Only two of the many fantastic blogs I read? That’s really tough. So I decided to use the same method Orannia did – which blogs have added a lot to my […]

Best Women Writers in Science Fiction and Fantasy

The latest Mind Meld over at SF Signal asks the question: Who are the best female writers in science fiction and/or fantasy? Head on over to read what several authors, publishers, and bloggers (including myself) had to say on the subject. Who are your favorite female authors who write science fiction and/or fantasy? There are so many I enjoy and so many yet to discover…

Guest Post by Ann Aguirre and Blue Diablo Giveaway!

As my birthday present to myself I snagged a post by a guest author for today, and she’s one of my favorite new authors! The Fantasy Cafe is happy to welcome Ann Aguirre, author of the immensely entertaining space operas Grimspace and Wanderlust and the forthcoming urban fantasy novel Blue Diablo (release date April 7). Below Ann talks about her experiences with reading fantasy and offers the chance for one of you to win a copy of Blue Diablo! My […]

2009 Book List

This is really just for my own benefit since I want to keep a list of books read in 2009 (I’m obsessive that way). I’ll update this as I read more. Last updated: May 17 Ethan of Athos by Lois McMaster Bujold (space opera) Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey (fantasy) Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke (science fiction) Inside Straight edited by George R. R. Martin (science fiction) The Charmed Sphere by Catherine Asaro (fantasy) Dead Witch Walking by Kim […]

“Your Blog is Fabulous!”

Wow, I feel special! Fantasy Cafe was nominated for the “Your Blog is Fabulous!” Award by both Tia from Fantasy Debut and John from Grasping for the Wind (who both run fabulous blogs themselves that everyone should visit regularly if they do not already) . Thanks so much, you two! Now I am supposed to list five things I am obsessed with and cannot live without. 1. My fiance2. Reading (I’m sure you’re all shocked by this turn of events)3. […]