To find out how I (and several other bloggers) would serve justice, head on over to the Watchmen Weekend Celebration at The Book Smugglers. (Speaking of which, I cannot wait for the movie. I loved the graphic novel and will be reviewing it in the next 2 or 3 days.)

John at Grasping for the Wind has another meme. Given the success of the last one, I figured I’d better add to the list. The instructions are as follows: Here is how it works: Find a favorite book, movie, or videogame review (Science fiction and fantasy related) that you have written, no matter where it was posted, and add it to the following list. Make sure to repost the whole list, because in doing so, we accumulate what the reviewers […]

Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette have sold two sequels to their wonderful novel A Companion to Wolves! I actually had missed that piece of news until I read a review of the book over at Adventures in Reading today. According to the post on Bear’s Livejournal, the next two books are tentatively named An Apprentice of Elves and A Reckoning of Men. Since I loved the first book, I cannot wait to read the rest and am thrilled that they […]

I wasn’t planning to post my favorite books read in 2008 here, but I had a request to do so since the link to the post at The Book Smugglers no longer went to it after their blog moved. I fixed the link to go to their fabulous new blog but figured I may as well post it here again as requested. So if you already read that, this is just a repeat of the same (but not as pretty, […]

2008 has come to a close and it was a great year for reading since I read a great many more really good memorable books than I did in 2007. My only reading goal for the year was to read 50 books and I ended up reading 54, which is a lot more than 2007 (which was something like 36). That’s probably at least partially because I discovered I really liked space opera this year and read a lot of […]

It’s a few hours early (at least in my part of the world) but I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year! Thanks for stopping by and I hope everyone has a wonderful 2009! Tomorrow I plan to put up an end of the year recap on books of 2008 and what to look forward to in 2009 (I’ve been waiting just in case I finished a really great book that wowed me by the end of the […]