Categories: Uncategorized
A Reading Game

I was going to post this last night, but blogger was down when I went to do so. Over at OF Blog, there is a kind of fun reading game if you’re one of those people (like me) who can never get enough of book lists. You list 5 books recently read and one you want to read in the near future. I’ve read a couple of books this year that I would rather forget about, so I won’t do […]

World Fantasy Winners Announced

Congratulations to all the winners! Gene Wolfe won the World Fantasy award in the best novel category for the third book in the Latro series, Soldier of Sidon. A list of the winners is available on the Science Fiction Awards Watch blog.

2007 Releases

I realized recently that I have only read three books this year that were released this year (The Name of the Wind, Ysabel, and The Twelve Kingdoms: Sea of Shadows). To remedy this situation, I recently ordered the following: Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch (#2 in the Gentleman Bastard sequence)The Children of Hurin by J.R.R. TolkienFlesh and Spirit by Carol Berg (#1 in The Lighthouse Duology) Hopefully later this year I’ll be able to get some more […]

Coming Up

Unforunately, I haven’t had that much time lately and am a little behind. I’ve still been reading when I can, though – right after The Name of the Wind, I read The Telling by Ursula K. Le Guin and now I am reading The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit, the first book in the Wraeththu trilogy by Storm Constantine. I’ll have to get a review of The Telling up here soon. Wraeththu was highly recommended by a friend and thus […]

What’s New/Forthcoming

Here are some fantasy/scifi books that are fairly new or forthcoming this year. This is based only on what I’ve seen available on Amazon since I have no special insider knowledge about what is coming out, but Amazon is usually fairly reliable. Looking at this list makes me wish I were British, they get all the good books first! New Books Midnight Tides, #5 Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven EriksonAmazon USAmazon CanadaAmazon UK Note: This is new to […]