Categories: Uncategorized
Update on The Children of the Sky Review

Just a quick update to my review of Vernor Vinge’s The Children of the Sky that I posted about a month ago.  In the conclusion to my review, I said this: After I posted the review, Kristen wrote to Tor to try to find out if another book was planned.  Kristen’s contact couldn’t confirm or deny another book (understandably).  While it’s not really word either way, I’ve decided to change my final rating of the book to an 8 rather […]

Heartless by Gail Carriger The Leaning Pile of Books

I thought I was going to end up bookless this week, but then on Friday I came home to find 5 of them waiting for me. Since this week was the third time I got a copy of Cold Magic by Kate Elliott (this time in mass market paperback), I’m not going to list it below again.  If you have been waiting for it in mass market paperback the wait is almost over, though.  It will be available in stores […]

If You Lived Here

Jeff Vandermeer is working on a book titled If You Lived Here: The Top 30 All Time Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Worlds for Underland Press. They are looking for nominations from readers on their favorite fantasy and science fiction worlds, and it’s possible they may request to use what you have to say about one of your favorite imaginary worlds in the book. I’ve been thinking about submitting some myself, but I’m having a horrible time limiting it to […]

Naamah’s Blessing Winners (and More Opportunities to Win)

The winners of Naamah’s Blessing by Jacqueline Carey have been drawn via – but don’t despair quite yet if you’re not one of them since there are two other giveaways of this book I’ve come across on other book review sites I read.  You can enter to win a copy at The Discriminating Fangirl right now, and there will be another chance to win tomorrow at The Book Smugglers! The winners are: Molly from Ohio Holly from Oklahoma Amanda […]

The Tempering of Men by Sarah Monette and Elizabeth Bear The Leaning Pile of Books

Another Sunday, more additions to the TBR.  Except this Sunday there’s also some dismay because of the lack of Game of Thrones tonight.  Good thing the next book is almost out! This week was an exciting week – two of my most anticipated new releases from this year showed up.  I also ended up with hand-me-down copies of the entire Hunger Games trilogy, but I’m not going to list them here since I already did list the first book in […]

In Memoriam: Serious Literature, Critical Reviewing, etc…

(Note:  It says it at the bottom, but just to be clear–this is a post from John, not Kristen.  Blame me.  And thanks to @Katiebabs for the heads up.) So, it looks like there’s another Thing. In a rather condescending guest article on, Daniela Hurezanu has come to the conclusion that The End is Nigh, and 20-something female book bloggers are either largely to blame or a primary outcome.  Causality isn’t really clear, but I’m guessing the idea is […]