First, a quick update: This whole past week I was busy every single evening after work so I didn’t make any progress on book reviews. I’m working on a review of Passion Play by Beth Bernobich and then I have a review of Eona by Alison Goodman to write (it kept me up until 3 in the morning – I absolutely loved it). At the moment I’m reading two science fiction books – The Fear Principle by B. A. Chepaitis […]

Last year I discovered the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews and devoured them all. I loved the third book so much that I was very glad I’d taken the advice of waiting until the fourth book was out to read it. Because once I finished it, I had to have the next book right then and no other book would do! Now I’ve been longing for the fifth book. Fortunately for all of us Kate Daniels fans, Ilona Andrews […]

This week I bought two of the books I wanted to read for the Nebula Readathon. Then I looked at the rest of my books and wondered what I was thinking. Even though neither of these should take all that long to read (my reasoning for originally thinking I could read them in May), I want to read Embassytown by China Mieville, Sleight of Hand by Peter S. Beagle, and The Fear Principle by B. A. Chepaitis in May. Plus […]

To celebrate the release of Catherynne M. Valente’s The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making as an illustrated hardcover book on May 10, this book is available to download for free through the evening of May 2 (Monday). The book started as a web serial and won the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy. If you have not read a book by this amazing author, it’s a perfect opportunity to sample […]

Hope everyone had a good weekend! I just got back after spending my weekend away and was quite happy to see that this year’s Hugo nominees have been announced. Also, I’ve read 2 of the 5 books and enjoyed them both (Feed by Mira Grant and The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin). And I was also thrilled to see Lois McMaster Bujold was nominated, although I’m not quite caught up enough in the series to have read Cryoburn […]

This week I’m excited about watching A Game of Thrones on HBO tonight – finally! But first I’m going to talk about some books (yay!) and do some cleaning (boo!). The OCD part of me also wants to decide what to read next since I just finished Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly, which was a great fantasy book. For the books – this week brought 3 ARCs and 2 finished review copies. The Uncertain Places by Lisa Goldstein I’d never heard […]