Today’s guest is CW, owner of The Quiet Pond, a fantasy-themed book blog with an ongoing narrative centered on your time spent at the Pond with its magical animal caretakers running through it. It’s a unique, welcoming site inspired in part by a love of role-playing games, and I think it’s one of the best book blogs there is—not just because of the premise but also because of the friendly atmosphere, thoughtful reviews, diverse book coverage, and support of marginalized authors. […]

Today’s guest is science fiction writer Emily Skrutskie! She’s the author of The Abyss Surrounds Us, The Edge of the Abyss, and Hullmetal Girls. Bonds of Brass, her latest novel and the entertaining, fast-paced first book in a space opera trilogy about a pilot and his best friend/crush/formerly-secret heir to the Empire, is out today! The Badass Mothers of SFF Many readers have a BrandTM. A type of character you just can’t help but love. For some, it’s fancy sad boys. For others, […]

It’s April, and for the ninth year in a row, this month is dedicated to highlighting some of the many women doing wonderful work in speculative fiction! Starting tomorrow, this blog will be featuring guest posts by women doing work in science fiction and fantasy, discussing everything from their experiences and inspirations to thoughts on writing and speculative fiction to the current pandemic. I’m incredibly excited about sharing their essays with you over the next few weeks! Women in SF&F […]

Thank you so much to all of last week’s guests! In case you missed any of their essays, here’s a summary with links to guest posts from last week: Swati Teerdhala (The Tiger at Midnight) wrote an homage to unlikeable heroines such as Sansa Stark, a character she admired and felt was real, and discussed her initial concern that her own heroine, who seeks revenge for her family’s murder, needed to be “likeable.” Nalini Singh (Psy-Changeling, Psy-Changeling Trinity) discussed her […]

Today’s guest is fantasy and science fiction author Fran Wilde (who was also here during Women in SF&F Month 2017)! Her work includes the Bone Universe novels, beginning with her Compton Crook and Andre Norton Award–winning debut novel Updraft; “Only Their Shining Beauty Was Left,” which appeared in The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2017; and “Clearly Lettered in a Mostly Steady Hand,” a Eugie Award winner and a Nebula, Hugo, and World Fantasy Awards finalist. Riverland, her first middle grade novel, was […]

Today’s guest is Nafiza Azad! She is a co-founder of The Book Wars, a website dedicated to children’s literature, and the author of the soon-to-be released YA fantasy novel The Candle and the Flame. This book—which she described on Goodreads as being “mostly about women being women in the most fantastic ways possible”—is her first novel, and it will be released on May 14! The Strong Woman: Politics of Feminine Power in THE CANDLE AND THE FLAME My maternal grandfather passed […]